For this post I will address the topic of creative essays. I found them to be really interesting and much different from what we have been reading thus far. For instance when it comes to poetry and fiction writing, the best pieces of literature are those that take the time to explain things in great detail. They are lengthy and use a lot of imagery. However, essays are much different. They are written to be concise and to the point. They are much shorter in length and are designed to get straight to the purpose of taking the time to read them.
In my writing background I have been given many opportunities to write creative works of art that could be placed in a book but never have I thought about creative essays. As the reading continued to shape the idea of writing in such a specialized way for essays I began to think of how my writing could be placed in the category of creative essays. Which is very surprising because writing and reading are my favorite subjects but essays surely wouldn't be seen as one of my favorite variations of the two. However, creative essays sound like a really good challenge because through the strict rules and small room to venture I feel that my writing skill could improve. When I write my stories they seem to linger into each characteristic of every character because I'm obsessed with detail even though that usually changes the length of my entire story. In time though I feel that essay writing is also seen as boring because it usually leaves no room for imagination and only lots of facts.
As I read the story that is describing creative essays I see that creativity can make all works of writing more compelling. This is one of the reasons that I want to become a writer. To give a new approach to the way writing is done and how it is further perceived. The editors outlook on the article made me feel that essays are actually more complex to writers which gives readers the advantage of enjoying what writers made simple. Even with that being said, it is still an art form so interpretation and meaning can still be entitled to complexity which makes essays a get in and get out style of writing.